Poems to Lift You Up and Make You Smile
ISBN ( Paperback ): 978-1-955581-09-7
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Your Daily Poem launched in June 2009 with a single goal: to share the pleasure of poetry with those who may not have had the opportunity to develop an appreciation for that genre—usually due to a boring experience in a classroom. Over the last 12 years, I've had the privilege of sharing poetry that is anything but boring. Along the way, a second goal emerged: to provide a daily dose of something positive and uplifting. This book is a harvest of "the cream of the crop"—100 poems selected out of the more than 4000 archived on YDP for their ability to make you smile.
Featuring the work of poets from 25 U.S. states, England, Ireland, and Canada, Poems to Lift You Up & Make You Smile will do just that! Keep it handy for days when you need a little boost in your spirits, or give it to someone who might need to be reminded there are always blessings to be found.
Quill & Parchment - Review by Michael Escoubas (click here for PDF)
“Poems to Lift You Up and Make You Smile lives up to its lofty title. Jayne Jaudon Ferrer has carefully compiled a feel-good anthology of poems that buoy the soul. Amid the busyness of life, these verses offer a brief up-look to help gauge direction, necessity, and speed. I love to read them aloud to change my perspective, to open my mind to new and brighter ways of thinking, and to help me positively seize the day. You will, too. They are a great aid to, as Jayne herself poetically recommends, ‘Carpe carefully.’ ”
—Jonathan Johnson, CEO Overstock
“This collection of poems compiled by Jayne Jaudon Ferrer does exactly what its title proclaims. For anyone feeling a bit down from what's going on in the world at large—or in your own life—these poems will remind you of all that is good in the world. In simple, accessible, thought-provoking language, the poets gathered here express gratitude and appreciation for everything from nature, animals, and grandchildren to the warm water in a shower faucet. These are poems that celebrate kindness, good deeds, ordinary moments, and even doorsteps. The poets in Poems to Lift You Up and Make You Smile turn disappointment and frustration into humor and entertainment.” —Lori Levy, author of In the Mood for Orange