A Mother of Sons
Published in Three Languages!
Life is decidedly different when a home has three boys instead of one. By the time my third was born, sweet and tender moments were few and far between.
In their place, however, were bubbly, boisterous moments equally memorable and precious. Okay, maybe not always precious, but at least poignant.
This time I captured the moments because time seemed to race. I wanted to be able to remember the exact cadence of James' laugh when I pushed him up in the swing. . .
the full impact of Jaron's cowboy-booted self scooting smugly through bronze and amber leaves. . . the pride and confidence in John's observations on life. And I discovered that, in safeguarding my own memories,
I brought to life yours, too. In the second edition of this book, I added a number of new poems--including one about the most terrifying experience I've faced thus far as a parent: teaching my eldest to drive!
Hardcover - ISBN #978-082941770
Sadly, this book is now out of print, though copies can still be found if you search hard enough!
". . . I don't always keep the books I receive for review. A Mother of Sons is a book I will be keeping and reading again." — Molly Martin, reviewer
"A Mother of Sons made me laugh and weep . . ." — Patricia Sprinkle, author of multiple mysteries and novels for women
"Jayne has captured the boundless, frenetic energy as well as the simple, intimate joys that go along with being the mother of sons." — Jenny Sanford, former First Lady of South Carolina
"You touch the heart of every mother." — Joan Schauder, reading specialist and mother of 3 sons
"...enjoyed it very much." — Marian Wright Edelman, advocate of children's rights
"This may be one of the most touching books about a mother's relationship with her boys I have ever read. . .everyone who reads it loves it. It's a perfect gift!" — Carrie Donovan, mother of 4 sons
"As a mother of sons myself, I can identify with Ms. Ferrer's bittersweet insights about growing up boys and turning them lose. A Mother of Sons is a heartfelt glimpse of the trials and jubilations of motherhood." — Marianne Gingher, author of A Girl's Life: Horses, Boys, Weddings & Luck
" I enjoyed Ferrer’s thoughts on the subject, ‘Okay, God, here I am for the sixty fifth time this week, wiping pureed carrots off the wall.’ Does bring a smile to the lips of those of us who have had this experience. .." — M. J. Hollingshead, reviewer. To read the complete review, click here.
Welcome to My World
There is no pink in my house—
just a rough-ridged rainbow of
red, yellow, and blue Legos
(and guns--not real ones, not even toy ones,
just imaginary ones that began life
as azalea twigs and shoe horns)
that encrust my carpet
and spread like
alley cat kudzu.
Battle cries.
War whoops.
Raucous laughter.
Loud burps.
Silence, if it comes,
sits only long enough for mealtime grace.
Even then, testosterone rears its rowdy head:
Me do it!
No, me!!
No, me!!!
Thanks get returned in triplicate
at 80 decibels and 90 miles an hour,
as each one tries to make sure
his words
get to God
Copyright ©2003 by Jayne Jaudon Ferrer